AE Bachus Museum in Fort Pierce Florida ordered 15 tropical mosaic plates from Nunnally Mosaics for their Holiday season...Thank you Kathleen and Robin, I hope your customers enjoy them! Happy Holidays!
Was not sure what to do with the colors laid out before me...The Dragon fly was once a hibiscus but the color for the wings was so complimentary to the aqua van gogh glass ...I saw water and one of my favorite creatures to create....The wreath is laid out following a plate pattern...The blue cyress in the middle has nine red candles and the rim of the plate is bordered by white gems...the star atop the tree is magnified by an amber nugget.
6" x 8" glass plate mosaic...The sail boat was facing the other way as if it were going out to sea but I decided that I wanted it returning to comfort...The piece is titled "Welcome Home"